- а также
This detector is highly selective as well as sensitive.
•Absorption bands arise in the ultraviolet as well as in the visible portion of the spectrum when ...
•Ethanol and sulphuric acid always react to yield a mixture of ethylene, ethyl hydrogen sulphate, and diethyl ether, along with a few minor by-products.
•Cadmium-coated articles should not be used in contact with food, nor should cadmium-plated articles be welded or used in ovens.
•Aluminium hydroxide can react with a strong base as well as with acids (or and also with acids, or and with acids too).
•This fact combined (or coupled, or together) with the absence of ... led to some confusion.
•The collenchyma cell wall is composed of cellulose and pectic compounds plus a very high proportion of water.
•These are chiefly nickel and arsenic, together with smaller amounts of other elements.
* * *А также -- as well as, plus; together with, coupled with, along with, with; as areIn addition, U as well as the radial gradients of W and T should be zero along the axis of symmetry.Two ferritic pressure-vessel steels, SA-384 Grades 11 and 22, plus 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo steel weldments were employed in the present study.The values of profile shape parameter and energy coefficient, together with comments on the state of the flow, are listed in Table.In view of these experimental and theoretical considerations, coupled with the considerable expense of high pressure wear facilities, most friction and wear measurements have been made at low gas pressure.These compounds occur in fly ash primarily as silicates, oxides and sulfates, along with lesser amounts of carbonates. (... а также небольших количеств карбонатов)Compressibility effects are not modeled. This, with the partial two-dimensional nature of the model arrangement, is the main shortcoming of the model.Piping wall temperatures are monitored, as are inlet and outlet pressures.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика. 2013.